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Sedona: Just Do It

Before beginning our road trip Chip and I sat down together and planned a tentative route for our trip that focused on National Parks and Breweries. As we began to talk to friends and family we quickly learned that there are certain other "must sees" to visit as we travel from state to state and tried to incorporate those destinations into our trip as well. Fast forward to three weeks on the road with time ticking away and 1/4 of the country left to travel through on the way home. We were trying to visit all of the places we planned, plus the ones our friends and family recommend, and the ones our Starbucks Barista proclaimed were the town's claim to fame... it got a little overwhelming. In walks Sedona. While visiting Mother Road and Historic Brewery in Flagstaff everyone raved about Sedona, AZ so despite our ticking time clock and my fear of spontaneity, we went and we loved it! Nestled inside the Coconino National Forest, Sedona is without a doubt one of the country's best kept secrets. Guided by fantastic recommendations from Flagstaff locals and my science mentor (Shoutout to Jackie, Your guide rocked!) we enjoyed dinner at Oak Creek Brewery, a late night swim in our hotel pool, and an off roading adventure on Schnebly Hill Road in the morning. While our time in Sedona was unplanned and quick we loved every second of it and are already looking forward to returning to explore this beautiful town for a little longer!

P.S: Shoutout to Mother Road Brewery for helping us write this post tonight. Cheers!

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