Day 8, 9, and 10: We're going to Jellystone!
Yellowstone, the world’s first national park, was founded in 1872. From it’s breathtaking landscapes, enchanting wildlife, and looming volcanic activity, it is no wonder that both Americans and world travelers alike venture to this park each year. Throughout our three days spent in the park Chip and I spent a lot of time talking about our “highs” of each day, which ultimately turned into the highs of the morning, afternoon, and evening, as we continued to explore the park. Chip enjoyed showing off his knowledge about birds of prey as they flew overhead and marveling at geothermal features throughout the park. This was his second trip to Yellowstone and I really enjoyed revisiting some of his favorite places from his last trip. For me, the anticipation of spotting a new heard of buffalo or even spotting a moose in the distance was enough to give me a trill. For so long I have been enchanted by the fact that Yellowstone has had three major volcanic eruptions throughout the ages, it was nice to see the park in a new light watching the wildlife simply enjoy living in a protected environment. All in all, our time in Yellowstone truly was a memorable experience from the “must sees” to meeting new people throughout the park.