This Land is Your Land
"This land is your land This land is my land From California to the New York island; From the red wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters...
Crater Lake and the Nice People we Met on the Way
After a memorable visit to Glacier National Park, Chip and I charted our travels down the West Coast with hopes to land in San Diego last...
Day 13, 14, and 15: Glacier National Park
Please do not take the following as any type of complaining, because Michelle and I are truly the two luckiest people on the globe for...
Day 11: Moose Spotting at Grand Teton National Park
Hello again! Although it has been a few days since our last post let me assure you that we are not still traveling to our next...
Day 8, 9, and 10: We're going to Jellystone!
Yellowstone, the world’s first national park, was founded in 1872. From it’s breathtaking landscapes, enchanting wildlife, and looming...
Day 7: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow... In July?
Day 7 was more or less a relaxation day, even though we had full intentions of waking up and making it to either Yellowstone National...
Day 6: Breweries, Vore Buffalo Jump, and Devils Tower
Day 6 was without a doubt an interesting one, even though I am writing this from Day 7 (due to some technical issues our KOA's WiFI...
Day 5 and 6: Mt. Rushmore
*** Updated*** Post to follow, it is late and raining in our current KOA! Patriotism is defined as "an emotional attachment to a nation...
Day 5: Keep Pushin' till it's Understood, These Badlands Start Treating Us Good...
So as any avid Bruce Springsteen aficionado would attest to, there are a handful of locations that every true Springsteen fan would like...
Day 4: No Pretzels yet, but West of the Mississippi
Late this afternoon we drove across the great Mississippi River, well actually Michelle drove... over a bridge too so things are getting...